Be your youest-you, your truest-you they say. The motivational speakers, the big ugly poster in your work place, and every Medium article ever. As an average millennial going through a quarter-life crisis, let me just say, that shit don’t exist.
I hate people that tell you what you’re “supposed to do”, like they even know. I hate people that try to push their religious beliefs onto you. I hate people that “totally understand”. No you don’t. I hate people that work hard to “inspire others about their passion” on social media with the cool life they live. I hate people that can’t think on their own and just follow the status quo life that they’ve been told is the “correct path“. I hate people that are so settled in their life that they don’t realize that there’s a broader, more exciting world out there to live. I also hate people that try to tell you “there’s more to life than what you’re doing”.
So basically, I’ve hated every season of my life. That only makes sense though right, since every couple of years, my eyes have been opened and I’ve had a so many sobering epiphanies about the different stages of life?
I prefer to be ever-changing. Life’s meant to be lived that way.
Just kidding, I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.
I’m sure I’ll just be get tired of “exploring new things” and “finding myself“ that I’ll eventually just pick a lifestyle and settle into it and with it, stop giving a fuck about what I’m missing out on.
Growing up is awesome.